Virginia Beach Is The Best Large US City For First-Time Home Buyers
Americans are needing to work longer to afford a home and are facing more competition than in the past, and these challenges make it especially daunting for the first-time buyer.
Americans are needing to work longer to afford a home and are facing more competition than in the past, and these challenges make it especially daunting for the first-time buyer.
The 38 factors the writers considered were grouped into 6 categories: 1) Financial Stability, 2) Education, 3) Health, 4) Safety, 5) Economy and 6) Infrastructure & Pollution.
The other Hampton Roads city to make it into the top fifty was Chesapeake, coming in at number 46.
To help you out the state has created an online resource where you can access the necessary info quickly and conveniently.
In the US, around 30% of housing units are renter-occupied. Around 20% of American renters move house during any given year, meaning there are millions of highly stressful apartment hunts happening across the country at any time.
Virginians scored particularly high in the area of “Financial Planning & Habits,” where the state was first in the nation.
The Virginia Beach Journal
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