Virginia Beach AGAIN Called Best Big City To Live In

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Virginia Beach AGAIN Called Best Big City To Live In


Virginia Beach is back on top in 2019 as the nation’s best city to live in, according to, the popular personal finance website. This follows the same publication calling the city the 8th best run city in America for the same year. Last year Virginia Beach was called the 2nd best city overall in the poll, which compared it with others with a population over 300,000.

In 2017 The Beach was also called the best city to live in by Wallethub, which compares towns using metrics like jobs, safety, and home ownership, as well as museums and coffee shops per capita.

The Plan

Failed plans

Pharrell’s plan/cost,funding

Features/owned by,profit

Locals’ reactions

Next step,groundbreaking

There was a lot on the docket on Tuesday night, when city council met, and the when the night was over a 10-0 vote signaled the end of the saga of the fabled Dome site.

Built on the corner of 19th and Pacific Avenue in 1958, the Dome hosted Jimi Hendrix and The Rolling Stones throughout the years, but was always plagued by its diminutive size and questionable acoustics.

It was demolished in 1994 and for twenty-five years has been a sand-strewn parking lot, belying its former glory.

The site’s location one block from the beach and just down the street from the the convention center has attracted numerous punters over the years promising attractions and shows, but failing to find funding and/or support from city council and locals.

That changed when Pharrell joined forces with Venture Realty Group and just … ago presented elaborate plans to turn the barren parking lot straddling 19th Street not into just another theater, but a staggeringly ambitious mix-use development where its wave park is just the highlight.

City Council has long prioritized year-round usefulness for the site to complement the beach’s strong summer appeal, and Pharrell and Venture answered with plans that include 425 residential units, restaurants and other retail, and Class A commercial office spaces. Structured parking garages will be integrated into the development.

In a nod to the former inhabitant of the site, there will also be a 3,500 seat music and entertainment venue. The acoustics will undoubtedly be better.

Atlantic Park will be a public/private partnership, and the next steps involve detailing financing and setting a date for groundbreaking.

We’ll keep you updated on developments, so stay tuned.

  1. Start by figuring out the problem and its solution. Conflict resolution is a key element of any good story. That’s why you need to start by finding out what the obstacle was and how it was eventually overcome. From there, you can focus on how the people within your story got from point A to B.

  2. Be curious about the WHY. Always ask why, as it helps you better understand motivations, adds important nuances and details to the story, and helps fill in holes. Ask why when the question naturally arises in your mind.

  3. Ask emotion-based questions. When interviewing people, try to tease out the emotions around the situation to add a human element to what you’re writing, as it makes the story more relatable on a personal level. Instead of asking only surface-level questions, delve a bit deeper with questions like, “How did you feel about X? Was it frustrating/exciting/nerve-wracking?”

  4. Make notes on the details. Details are what make your story compelling and interesting. Be observant while interviewing clients, doing research, or digging into case studies. Look for the details that others may be glossing over. As you come across interesting data points, quotes, or conclusions, make detailed notes.

  5. Look for results and hard numbers. Black and white elements eliminate ambiguity make your story more powerful. Look for tangible outcomes like numbers, stats, etc. that validate and concrete the solution or conflict resolution you’re focused on.

If you can do these five things while researching and writing, you can make major improvements to the content you create. A few other journalistic habits to keep in mind:

  • Be prepared. Have questions ready beforehand if you’re interviewing someone. Be ready to take notes/record the conversation.

  • Take your time. The best writing happens when an idea has marinated in your mind for a while and you’ve had time to think deeply about the underlying story you’re trying to tell. Don’t rush it.

  • A good editor works wonders. Having a good editor that you can turn to for objective feedback can improve your writing 100-fold. If you’re too close to the story, a good editor can spot the weak areas and suggest ways it could be better/stronger.

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