Pier Shops At 15th Opens For Business

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Pier Shops At 15th Opens For Business

virginia beach oceanfront

Yes, really. The secret ingredient to the perfect mid-day nap is our old friend coffee. But employed in a way that might surprise you.


Open with an amazing fact or startling statement that arouses reader interest. Adelphi University students spend an average of seven hours per day surfing the Internet.

 “Clones! Or am I seeing double? Hey,are you guys related?” Junior twins Andrew and Doug Overtonsay dealing with “lame” jokes is just one ofthe disadvantages of going through life asa twin. But they admit there are plenty ofadvantages, too.

Using a narrative style, begin by introducing the main characters, the conflict and perhaps the setting of the story.• Make readers feel the drama and want to know what’s going to happen next.• Identification of people can be postponed until a later paragraph to avoid disrupting the flow of the lede.

The man reached out a dirty hand,palm up. “All I’ve got is a few bucks,” MattO’Malley said, reaching into his pocket. The next thing O’Malley knew, he wason the ground with a boot on his chest.The Adelphi University junior was beingmugged.

Begin with a description of a scene surrounding an event.• Typically used for stories in which the setting is prominent, such as Homecoming, commencement, Freshman Orientation, plays, etc.

Cite one point of view or observation and then follow with the opposite view. Facebook rots the brain, according to new research by Adelphi University psychology professor Kendrick Jones. Anita Patel, an honors student at Adelphi University, says that just isn’t true.

Use few words (25 max.)• To the point and factual• Gives reader quick summary of story in as few words as possible.• Usually one sentence.• Summary ledes often focus on the who and what of the story and then follow closely with the when and where. The how and why may be explained or suggested further into the story. 

Focus often focus on the who and what of the story and then follow closely with the when and where. The how and why may be explained or suggested further into the story.on the most important of the 5W’s and H.• Summarize the most newsworthy fact within the first 10 words.• Begin with the subject of the most newsworthy fact (usually the who or what)• Cite source of any opinions.• Consider a delayed identification or blind lede.

Blind: For saving the life of the victim of a hit-and-run accident, two Adelphi Universityjuniors were honored for bravery. In a ceremony held last week, DaveDavidson and Tiffany Ng received aplaque naming them heroes. Davidsonand Ng pulled communications professorMary Johnson from a car just before itexploded.

For example The purchase of new computers will strain next year’s budget, Adelphi University President Robert Scott announced at last week’s faculty meeting.(Under 25 words, focuses on who and what)

It’s been touted as a “mini Waterside” and with it, the modernization and vertical ascent at the oceanfront continues in impressive fashion.

The comparison is apt, with Sunsation Realty’s 70.000 square feet property at 1400 Atlantic Avenue opening today, and offering plenty to see and do just like the Norfolk attraction. There are four restaurants and multiple kiosks and more, including an arcade and sunglass shop.

A familiar name in the region, Sunsations Realty is based in Virginia Beach and has nine outlets in the city, this being their premiere location.

It’s the latest in developments at the oceanfront that promise to provide not just more to do, but also more jobs, and tax revenue, and in the same general footprint.

Some Tenants

Nut & Body

-Why reader should care, why story is topical.
-Important causes/potential consequences of news 

Outline > Lede/Nutmodernization > cost/location/features > owner > more plans? > pier possibilities     

The pier across the street is the next big redevelopment opportunity at the oceanfront, with the city seeking a fitting replacement for the 1950 structure.

Feature photo: Rain0975 / CC BY-ND 2.0


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