

Raft Of Changes To Virginia Laws Comes July 1
From marijuana decriminalization to repealing voter ID, the state makes some serious changes Wednesday.


College Anywhere VA Increases Access To Education
10,000 (!) online courses are now available to Virginia community college students.

Hampton Roads

Virginia Beach Called America’s Safest Big City
AdvisorSmith looks into federal crime database info.


Vote By Mail In The Virginia June Primaries
It only takes a minute to request your absentee ballot.


Development Authority Discusses Plans For Innovation Park Anchor Building
The Hampton Inn By Hilton would be a 120 room hotel next to Central Park and the Zeiders playhouse.


Virginia Beach Moves Forward With Town Center Hampton Inn Project
The Hampton Inn By Hilton would be a 120 room hotel next to Central Park and the Zeiders playhouse.
Virginia Caps Insulin Prices
Virginia caps insulin price at $50 per month.


U.S. News Calls Virginia 7th Best State For Education
The commonwealth places well in this year’s study.