Norfolk Asking For Input On Redevelopment Of Military Circle Mall

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Redevelopment of the Military Circle Mall site is about to take the next big step, and this one requires the participation of Norfolk’s residents.

The city completed purchasing the necessary parcels of land in May of last year and in January of this year held a conference for developers to present their proposals for how they would transform an outdated mall from 1970 into a dynamic, modern community.

Now, the three proposals will be under the scrutiny of those who will soon live, work, shop, and play there.

The city issued a press release Friday stating that a process for involving residents is in the works, and will include an online public input forum as well as a survey to gather Norfolk residents’ opinions. The press release also for the first time included the executive summaries for the three proposals.

The redevelopment of this corridor is important to Norfolk and Hampton Roads. The City has been aggressive and deliberate in pursuing this transformational project. We are grateful for the work of everyone involved, and look forward to the next phase of this project

To see the three proposals’ executive summaries, click the links below.

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