Virginia Beach Is The 19th Best City To Drive In

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There’s a lot a person can use to distinguish the many cities and regions in the US from one another. Different combinations of our varying climate, natural wonders, density, age, and more mean we have an ideal place to call home for just about everyone.

One thing that remains more or less consistent across the nation is our dependence on the automobile. Americans make 1 billion car trips every day, adding four trillion miles to the odometer yearly. On average we spend about 10 hours each week in a personal car, and for those doing our share of commuting or errand running or driving for pleasure, a city’s driver-friendliness will always be something to consider.

So which city’s residents get to enjoy the best driving experience? The writers at WalletHub compared the biggest 100 cities on a variety of metrics in four categories: 1) Cost of Ownership & Maintenance, 2) Traffic & Infrastructure, 3) Safety and 4) Access to Vehicles & Maintenance. Some of the most heavily-weighted metrics were those related to car ownership and operation costs, weather, and commute times.

The best American city to drive in is regional neighbor Raleigh, NC, with great “cost of ownership & maintenance” and “safety” scores. Greensboro, NC and Winston-Salem, NC are at positions three and four, respectively.

Virginia Beach was the 19th Best city in the country to drive in, according to the writers. Like the rest of the region we enjoy affordable car operation and good driving conditions, and The Beach also has the country’s 14th safest roads. We were undoubtedly assisted by our 2016 Capital Improvement Program that continues to see dramatic improvements to roads and other infrastructure.

And what of our other neighbors? Chesapeake is in position 34 and Norfolk 38. D.C. and Baltimore are locked together at positions 92 and 93, immediately ahead of a string of large cities in Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York.

10 Best Cities To Drive In

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Picture of Dominic Castillo

Dominic Castillo

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