Know What To Do If You Come Across A Stranded Dolphin Or Turtle

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Know What To Do If You Come Across A Stranded Dolphin Or Turtle

sea turtle

Yes, really. The secret ingredient to the perfect mid-day nap is our old friend coffee. But employed in a way that might surprise you.


It’s a bright, sunny day and you’re strolling along the beach and come across a sea turtle hanging out with the humans. Or maybe it’s a seal. Well there’s a chance it needs some help—but only a specific kind of help.

The Stranding Response Team at the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center is available 24/7 to come to the animal’s assistance should you find yourself in this situation.

For over 20 years this group of highly trained staff and volunteers has been on-call to assist stranded animals with the help they need. And while you may be tempted to assist yourself, the aquarium’s employees are quick to remind that it’s best for both the animal and beach-goers to give any sea life a wide berth. If you see an animal in distress, don’t hesitate to call.

At the site linked above you can find the Aquarium’s guidelines for some of these situations, but the team are especially keen to hear about any of the following animals seen on the beach:

Call (757) 385-7575 If Spotted On The Beach

More Body 2

Perhaps the best thing about the team is that you too can volunteer to help take care of animals who need help on our shores. Apply here to be part of the team at the Virginia Aquarium site.



By Courtesy Of

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