1.2 Million Square Foot Hydroponics Operation Coming To Virginia Beach

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The Governor of Virginia has announced that the commonwealth recently beat out several other states for the right to host a 21 acre state-of-the-art hydroponics facility, and it’s going to built here Virginia Beach.

Sunny Farms will be building the $60 million facility in several phases off Dam Neck Road at Taylor Farms, and initially the focus will be on lettuce and other leafy greens.

The site will also be the location of One Matters Inc., a new nonprofit that will focus on helping bring workforce development opportunities to underserved populations.

From Governor Northam:

Securing this impactful new project is a reflection of our Commonwealth’s commitment to supporting innovative companies like Sunny Farms that are pushing boundaries in agricultural development Together with One Matters and our higher education institutions, we are laying the foundation for significant long-term economic and workforce opportunities that will help lift up underserved Virginians in Hampton Roads. I commend all partners involved in making this announcement a reality and am confident Sunny Farms will grow and thrive at its home in Virginia Beach.

The facility is scheduled to launch its first phase in the first quarter of 2022 and is expected to create 155 jobs. Positions available will include horticulture scientists, agricultural tech specialists, business support, maintenance specialists, assistant growers, and production specialists. If you would like to apply now, just go to the site’s website and click “apply” in the top right.

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Jamelia Todd

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