Forbes Calls Virginia Beach The 9th Best City For Renters

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In the US, around 30% of housing units are renter-occupied. Around 20% of American renters move house during any given year, meaning there are millions of highly stressful apartment hunts happening across the country at any time.

While looking for an apartment can be difficult in even the best of circumstances, it’s always comforting to at least know you’ve chosen the right city. So where are the best places in the country to be a renter?

Some writers at Forbes wanted to find out, so compared the 100 largest cities on five different important areas. They were given different weights, with the heaviest weighted areas being Apartment Qualities and Apartment Affordability, each weighted at 35%. Weather and Natural Disasters, Getting Outside, and Crime each had a weight of 10% in their formula.

According to Forbes, Plano, Texas is the best city in the country for renters, thanks in part to high median income and modern and plentiful amenities and furnishings. But what about the Old Dominion? Virginia Beach represents the Commonwealth well, featuring high on the list at number 9. It’s there on the strength of its Affordability and Getting Outside scores. But the state’s largest city isn’t alone, with neighbors Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Richmond at positions 13, 50, and 63, respectively.

Some of what the writers had to say about VB:

Virginia Beach’s location provides a variety of landscapes, from ocean views to wildlife preserves, and both urban and rural areas. You can hit the city’s beach or the boardwalk—or one of its many hiking trails—when you’re looking for some fresh air. You’ll have to fight some weather battles in Virginia Beach, including hurricanes and floods. Last year saw a record hurricane season, and Virginia Beach is trying to tackle repeated flooding by widening its beaches in order to protect nearby properties.

So you can take heart, weary apartment hunter. If you’re looking in Virginia Beach, you’ve started your hunt the right way.

Best Cities For Renters

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Glen Pearson

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